
Creatures of Connection


A new injury kept me put of the ocean and away from my private practice clients not to mention causing a cessation of yoga, walks in the national park, and the occasional dance.  My mood was unaccountably flat.  I put

Creatures of Connection2018-02-07T14:06:31+10:00

Depression, anxiety and the nastiest voice you will ever hear


The nastiest voice you will ever hear will generally come directly from you.  That's right, that little sing-song radio playing in your head.  The one that really knows how to bring you to your knees with humiliation and despair.  In

Depression, anxiety and the nastiest voice you will ever hear2018-02-12T11:09:07+10:00

Depression affects 121 million people worldwide, but no-one we know suffers from it…much!


That scary statistic is from WHO.  121 million people, peoples.  That’s a lot.  That’s a hellava lot.  Let’s pile on a few more stats.  How about 1 million people in Australia this year alone will experience a depressive illness.  Or,

Depression affects 121 million people worldwide, but no-one we know suffers from it…much!2018-02-12T11:09:44+10:00
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