
What Kind of Tool Are You?


The doctor said to me one day in therapy that he was angry with himself for being so reticent, so shy at parties.  He watched other single men holding court, while he was relegated to the background, never sharing the

What Kind of Tool Are You?2018-02-07T13:55:42+10:00

Out and Proud (of who we are)


Watching the two young men kiss lovingly on the sidewalk as they took their reluctant leave from one another gave me a small shock as I zoomed past in the taxi launching itself through the hilly streets of San Francisco.

Out and Proud (of who we are)2018-02-07T14:01:56+10:00

Do people ‘like’ me enough?


  Getting ‘liked’ on Facebook is addictive.  Unlike ‘real’ life you get an actual tally of the number of people who approve of you in that moment.  This was all new to me until a former colleague and I started

Do people ‘like’ me enough?2019-01-06T11:34:00+10:00
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